Text as Data Association

In 2015, several members of the text as data community formed an association (the Text as Data Association) and a board to keep our annual “New Directions” conferences going.  The result has been a great series of meetings and a continually growing community.  At the end of 2018, our inaugural director, Arthur Spirling, passed the baton to me.  Many thanks to Arthur for getting the organization off to a great start.
The Text as Data association is concerned with the development and application of computational, quantitative methods for social scientific and humanistic inquiry into human behavior.  It is open to members from any field of inquiry, academic discipline, government or industry.  See https://textasdata.github.io for more about our goals and the list of the current board members.

A few updates:

  • Arthur and his team have updated the webpage:  https://textasdata.github.io
  • There will be another great conference this fall, at Stanford University, October 5-6; details will come soon
  • We will hold elections for some new board members in the next couple of months
  • We are now formalizing membership in the association, which is why I’m writing

To join the association for 2019, all you need to do is fill out this form:  https://forms.gle/mvreqkpPQJDWqa86A .  At this time, there is no cost for membership.
Please join so that our official database of members accurately reflects our community of living, breathing researchers!  (Also, so that you can nominate and vote for new board members.)  And please forward this message to anyone elsein the community who may not be reached via this mailing list.
Best regards,

Noah Smith

Director, Text as Data AssociationProfessor of Computer Science & Engineering, University of WashingtonSenior Research Manager, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence